Deneen Washington 18th June 2012

Hello Mommy today was Father's Day, it was also the 6th month since your death. so today was a hard day for me. A young woman with no dad and no mom. you have serve both roles since he passed on when i was 19. you were my everything. i don't think anyone was as good as you in taking care of a daughter. through my awkward high school years with medical issues, though my college years and though my marriage and birth of my children.. you were there for awards and graduations,assemblies and luncheons. you were my biggest cheerleader. my biggest supporter. you have made it hard for any one to come take your place, but none can take your place. you are still loved. When I think of you i think of happiness,joy and labor. you labored for me. there are so many memories. maybe i need to write them down. i love you mommy, happy anniversary in heaven